By CEO Robert Forster, PT
A new pole by Planet Fitness revealed some important data. First, Dad Bod Dads are happier; accepting their Dad Bod made them more relaxed. Perhaps it is in part due to the focus on individual health and fitness and a repulsion of adds like this one below.

The fashion media and culture have shaped and molded our perception of beauty since the beginning of the industry. Adds like this one dominated magazines and newspapers.

Toys and dolls like GI Joe and Barbie shaped the minds of children where it was possible to replace a rag doll with a more “life like” version.
According to an article in the Huffington Post, “If Barbie were a real woman, she would be 5’9″ with a 16″ waist (only room for half a liver and a few inches of intestines), and have a neck twice as long and 6 inches thinner than the average woman, which would render her incapable of lifting her head. With those proportions and a size 3 children’s shoe, she’d have to walk on all fours!”
Plastic surgery clinics have replaced adds like this one:

Honestly, it’s good to see men are happier with their appearance; and more immune to adds like this one designed to body shame you straight to starvation and a 3 day workout intended to destroy your health.

At PHASE IV we focus on realistic individual goal setting and scientifically safe and proven nutrition and exercise plans to achieve your health and fitness goals. We focus on your metabolism, and how to switch your energy system from consuming carbohydrates to fat. We keep you safe in the gym, and measure success by improvements in lifestyle and health.
We all want to be our best, and many of us are driven to optimize our performance in life and sport, but we must see past the shameful media that has crippled our sense of health and fitness.
Accepting one’s father figure is the first step past the beauty industry that I’ve seen in years. The Dad’s have spoken.