Resting Metabolic Rate Testing

This test is the starting point for all science based nutrition programs designed to achieve optimum health and body weight. The RMR test measures precisely how many calories your body requires to keep your metabolism revving and burning more calories all day. Consume less than this minimum number of calories and your metabolism becomes sluggish, going into an idle to conserving every calorie you consume and storing more fat. With the RMR calculation we will determine the number of calories you need everyday to support your activities and address your weight management goals. The RMR test unlocks the secrets of your unique biology and provides precise data necessary to help you reach your goal weight. Is your metabolism slow, normal, or fast?
VO2 Fitness Testing
As exercise intensity increases so does your heart rate. As your heart rate increases your body’s preferred energy source shifts from primarily burning fat to burning carbohydrate. Whether your goal is to lose weight, look better or perform at your best, finding the “Optimal Fat Burning Exercise Heart Rate Zone” is the starting point for all science based exercise programs. By training in the proper zone you will teach your body to burn more fat all day long and during exercise; allowing you to achieve your goals faster and with greater efficiency while reducing unwanted body fat. Proper heart rate training is essential to optimizing your exercise efforts. Only VO2 testing provides the precise exercise heart rate zones you need to improve your health and achieve ideal body weight.
COMPREHENSIVE Structural Analysis by a Physical Therapist

A complete head to toe structural examination is performed to evaluate your strength, flexibility, postural alignment, pronation, and supination foot function, leg length discrepancies and muscular imbalances. We use goniometers to measure joint range of motion, manual muscle testing to determine strength deficiencies, and orthopedic testing to identify functional joint stability. In the process we render a picture of your current state of structural preparedness. This exam is the starting point for all PHASE IV Periodized Strength/Flexibility/Injury Prevention Programs designed to meet your goals for life and sport!