Keep the Calories Coming
The vast majority of our weight management clients come to us eating too few calories and eating too infrequently to maintain a healthy metabolism. A healthy metabolism keeps burning calories all day. A starved metabolism goes into a sluggish idle, and saves every calorie you consume in a protective mechanism against famine.
Low Intensity Exercise Teaches Your Body to Burn Fat, 24/7
While high-intensity workouts may burn more calories, and even more FAT calories, than easy workouts, they don’t teach your body to prefer fat as the primary energy source ALL DAY LONG! Walking, easy cycling, swimming, and other low-intensity workouts allow your body to get better at burning fat. This is the key to sustained weight management and better health.
Eat More Protein, Less Carbohydrate
Every meal either directs your body to store those calories as fat, or burn them for energy. When you consume high-carbohydrate meals and snacks, your body releases insulin from the pancreas, which directs your cells to store excess calories as fat. If that meal also contains protein and fat, your insulin response is muted and you have more energy to be active. Secondly, more protein in your diet is beneficial because digesting protein takes more calories than digesting carbohydrates. The result is that the net calorie gain from 100 calories of protein is less than that from consuming 100 calories of carbohydrates.
Drink More Water
Most of us are constantly operating in a dehydrated state. Our body is 90 percent water, and water is essential for nearly all bodily functions. Consuming too little water slows digestion, and reduces the energy expense associated with digestion. It also slows down the elimination of waste. The more time your food sits in your intestines, the more calories you extract from it. Drink 48-64 ounces of plain water per day.
Eliminate Corn Syrup, Artificial Sweeteners, and Caloric Drinks
Anything that tastes extra sweet, even artificial sweeteners, directs your body to store fat (see insulin response outlined above). One glass of fresh fruit juice with a high-protein meal, however, is good. Three glasses of fruit juice, soda, or other sweet drinks between meals produces a massive insulin release and turns on the fat-storage mechanisms. Check the ingredients, and avoid artificial sweeteners and corn syrup like the plague.
Call for your free PHASE IV Health and Nutrition Consultation today, and learn how easy it is to create your personalized health maintenance program. No gimmicks, no fads, just proven science!