As a Master Physical Therapist, Kent specializes in shoulder,knee, and back injuries as wellas post surgical rehabilitation.He is also extremely proficient incervical, elbow, and foot/ankleinjuries. Because of his keeninterest in ergonomics and itsrelation to injury prevention;Kent is able to treat injuries, andcorrectly diagnose theenvironmental causes as well.Kent’s professional experiencespans 40 years. He graduatedfrom the University of Oregon in1975 with a science degree inHealth Education, then enteredthe Master Physical Therapyprogram at USC and graduatedin 1977.Kent worked at Kerlan-JobeOrthopedic Clinic until 1993, andat Southern California Center forSports Medicine in Long Beach,S.C.O.R., Inc. Following hisinterest in cardiac rehabilitation,Kent worked at both CignaHealthplans in Los Angeles, andDaniel Freeman Hospital. Kentjoined Forster Physical Therapyin October 2000 as Head ofClinical Quality Assurance. Hehas been an avid runner since1967, and has participated innumerous 10k runs and halfmarathons. Kent enjoysswimming, surfing, skiing,backpacking, and camping.