PHASE IV PEAKRIGHT© Comprehensive Wrestling Training Program

PHASE IV offers the most comprehensive science based wrestling training and nutrition programs available anywhere! We can make you better, and help keep you healthy and competing longer. If you are interested in improving your performance, increasing your longevity in your sport and preventing injury, we will design a periodized training plan for you, complete with nutritional optimization, weight cut procedures, as well as strength and flexibility training. Our programs have been honed over 35 years in the results driven world of elite athletics, and with thousands of athletes who have chosen our science based approach to achieving complex performance goals.
PHASE IV PEAKRIGHT© Heart Rate Training Programs for 16, 12 and 8 WEEK CAMPS

At PHASE IV our team of experts assess and train wrestling athletes in two broad areas of athletic performance: Structural preparedness and Metabolic energy production. Your ability to produce energy efficiently to meet the demands of your sport is paramount for success. At PHASE IV we utilize scientific data culled from your physiological assessments: RMR and VO2 testing. From these results we create a customized measurable Periodization Heart Rate Training Plan, and it has consistently produced the best athletic performances across all sports for the past thirty-five years!
Run Training for Conditioning

The PHASE IV Running Package draws on 35 years of experience helping athletes achieve injury free peak performance and aerobic conditioning. The PHASE IV Running Package is the most complete science based training program available anywhere. This program uses scientific analysis to unlock the intricacies of your personal physiology and replaces the guesswork that characterizes most generic coaching programs. We will first analyze every aspect of your running including your current fitness, strength and weaknesses including flexibility, joint stability, and alignment, running mechanics, nutrition and recovery strategies. From this data your team of exercise physiologists and physical therapists will construct and guide you through a comprehensive running program tailored to your personal physiology and genetic make up.

Working against water’s natural resistance makes for a healthier more balanced workout than is possible on land, with virtually no risk of damage to the body. For both exercise programs as well as rehabilitation, active recovery, and cross training, pool workouts build aerobic and anaerobic fitness, muscle strength and tone, flexibility, good body alignment and agility. The PHASE IV Waterpower Performance Program© can be conducted either in our private facility, your home, or other location.