Scientific metabolic testing is at the foundation of Sports Science. This testing lets us to see what is happening inside your body during exercise. From this data we create accurate heart-rate training zones assuring all your workouts are100% productivity with no wasted efforts. As exercise intensity increases so does your heart rate. As your heart rate increases your body’s preferred energy source shifts from primarily burning fat to burning carbohydrate. Whether your goal is set a PR or improve your health and appearance, finding the “Optimal Fat Burning Exercise Heart Rate Zone” is the starting point for all science based exercise programs. By training in the proper zone you will teach your body to burn more fat and less carbohydrate which allows you to run a faster pace with lower lactic acid levels and less fatigue. Proper heart rate training replaces random workouts and is essential to optimizing the effort/reward ratio of your training. Only VO2 testing provides the precise exercise heart rate zones you need to improve your performance and health while achieve your ideal body weight.
The foundation for all weight management programs is science. The science of your metabolism is learned through metabolic testing. Science based weight management begins with deciphering the science of your physiology (testing results) and utilizing that science to unlock the secrets of how your body responds to diet and exercise. At PHASE IV we translate this knowledge into your practical, achievable, and permanent lifestyle change. To maintain
your current weight, your daily calorie consumption should equal 1.5 x your RMR or Resting Metabolic Rate. To lose
weight at a healthy rate (i.e., lose fat mass instead of muscle mass & water weight) you need fuel between your
calories (gleaned from your RMR testing) and your
calories (i.e., 1.5 x RMR). The best way to reach your ideal weight and health through running, is to train in your prescription heart rate zone, and make healthier food choices. To
weight at a healthy rate, consume more daily calories than needed for maintenance. Our PHASE IV registered dietitians will create a weight management program based on deficiencies and excesses in your nourishment and running program. You will receive a personalized dietary report specific to your needs based on your prescribed activity level and heart rate training zone. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, creating the body you’ve always wanted, and fueling your body with exactly what it needs to manage your weight and optimize your running performance!
At PHASE IV our team of experts assess and train athletes in two broad areas of athletic performance: structural preparedness and metabolic energy production. The ability to produce energy efficiently to meet the demands of your sport is paramount for success. At PHASE IV we utilize scientific data culled from physiological assessments including RMR and VO2 testing. From these results we create a customized measurable Periodization Heart Rate Training Plan, and it has consistently produced the best athletic performances across all sports for the past thirty-five years!
Correct leg length discrepancies to fix ITBS
Periodization strength training breaks the training program into cycles (or periods) where fitness is developed in a scientifically rational sequence. After about six-to-eight weeks of the same activity the body becomes stronger and can handle the load without experiencing stress; performance will then fade if the exercise stimulus is not altered in such a way as to create new stress on the body, and peak hormone production again. Your PHASE IV team is using state-of-the-science training methods to set up your plan of Periodized Strength Training. Matching the requirements of your sport, you will be educated in proper strength development, stretching, warm up, cool down, and aggressive recovery techniques. The basic tenant of Periodization is that all exercise is futile, if rest and recovery periods are not provided. You will gain the knowledge of when to workout, and when to rest and recover to reach your performance goals. In short, you will learn to utilize science to improve your strength and performance, while avoiding injury, and preserving your body. This carefully orchestrated program of progressive resistance exercises to strengthen the bigger muscle groups with and a routine that favors developing strength and not size, will positively impact your power to body weight ratio. This is a comprehensive science based strength training program of carefully chosen exercises that relate to building strength for running, impacting your performance, and achieving your goals!
Fighting the “Fit but Fat Syndrome”
The Fit But Fat Syndrome is a result of ill advised training programs dictated by whim and not science, reliance on sports bars and drinks, working harder and harder, not smarter, too many intense workouts creating a metabolism dependent on carbohydrates not fats, inadequate base training, and calorie restriction causing your metabolism to idle.
At PHASE IV we teach you to achieve your ideal performance body weight and how to unlock the mysteries of your personal physiology. We re-engineer your sports nutrition so it is working for you not against you, and we optimize your fat burning potential with heart rate specific exercise intensities. With the perfect balance of metabolic training and recovery, your body will learn to burn fat all day long. Finally, through metabolic testing we determine the exact calories needed to fuel your workouts and lifestyle while managing your weight.
The calories you burn during workouts are inconsequential to your overall body weight or body fat content! Instead, it is how well you use your exercise time to reprogram your daily physiology that matters. The “Fit But Fat” Syndrome is attributable to improper training schedules and heart rate intensities that reek hormonal havoc! How hard you train, when you train, and how you schedule your workouts, all effect the production of stress hormones. Use the value of targeted heart rate training, proper nutrition, and strength training to conquer the “Fit But Fat” Syndrome!
Healthy Running Step by Step
will help runners of all ages and abilities understand the science behind every aspect of running: training program design, running technique, nutrition, recovery, flexibility and strength training and why running injuries occur, how to prevent them, and how to speed up recovery. Injuries plague the majority of runners, wrecking training plans and cutting running careers short by decades, but they are not inevitable. Authors Robert Forster, P.T., and Roy M. Wallack explain that nearly all running injuries can be rehabilitated quicker and even avoided altogether with the right training, strengthening, stretching, running form, and diet strategy. Drawing from Forster’s three decades of training and treating Olympic athletes and more than 10,000 runners at his award-winning Santa Monica, California, physical therapy and high-performance centers, this book emphasizes that better performance is inextricably bound to injury reduction and that a comprehensive, science-based training plan with built-in anti-injury “insurance” must include these crucial elements: Periodization training, Proper technique and footwear, Nutrition, Posture and flexibility, and Strength training. This book also includes detailed, step-by-step rehabilitation matrixes for the five most common running injuries: IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and hamstring injuries. Using these unique matrixes as your guide, you’ll recover from injuries more quickly and understand what you need to do to prevent their reoccurrence.
Working against water’s natural resistance makes for a healthier more balanced workout than is possible on land, with virtually no risk of damage to the body. For rehabilitation, cross training and sport specific training, pool workouts build aerobic and anaerobic fitness, core strength, balance, muscle endurance, power and agility with virtually no damage to your body. The Complete Waterpower Workout Book is a comprehensive guide to water exercise, a best seller in its 9th addition, and translated in four languages.