There are a lot of gyms, trainers, nutritionists and diets out there. Perhaps you’ve tried your fair share of them and didn’t end up with the results you were looking for.
Way too many of our clients come through our doors injured from inappropriate training practices or frustrated because they gained back all the weight they lost on their previous diet.
This is why CEO Robert Forster, PT, created PHASE IV – so that people could finally get healthy and fit and stay that way.Read our interview below with CEO and Founder of PHASE IV, Robert Forster PT to learn more about why PHASE IV could be the missing piece in your health puzzle.
PHASE IV was originally created to address the need for science-based fitness training in our local athletic community. Out of frustration that the formidable body of science developed since the dawn of the modern fitness movement in the 1970’s had not been matriculated into coaching paradigms, we decided to create PHASE IV; a training center that addresses not only physical preparedness, but also nutritional optimization and metabolic efficiency.
2. Is PHASE IV just for athletes?No, although we have helped American athletes win over 60 Olympic medals, Grand Slam Tennis titles, and NBA World Championships, the vast majority of our clients are active members of the general public. We use science to address the needs of people of all ages and abilities, to achieve their health and fitness goals.
3. What types of clients walk through your door?PHASE IV clients are student athletes, fathers, mothers, grandparents, and anyone who wants to develop life long strategies to improve physical and metabolic health. We specialize in creating healthy joints, metabolic efficiency, and science based weight management strategies to make clients look and feel their best.
4. What makes PHASE IV different than other training gyms?I believe it is the breadth of knowledge and expertise of our staff. With master clinicians Ron Berry, PT and Brian Ponsness, PTA addressing the rehabilitation and physical preparedness of our clients, and working in tandem with our highly credentialed exercise physiology and nutritional professionals, we cover all aspects of health and fitness.
5. What types of services do you offer at PHASE IV?We address both the Structural and Metabolic health of every client. Providing time tested strength and flexibility programs along with nutritional optimization strategies and personalized workout plans, our clients are empowered to create the best version of themselves. Some do their strength and flexibility workouts with us, while the majority take the knowledge we provide and train on their own. Others conduct their workouts under the watchful eye of our expert staff.
6. Why is it so important to utilize personal metabolic testing and structural analysis to create success in health and fitness ?Each client’s metabolic profile and physical health status is as unique as their fingerprint. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to fitness and well being. Whether your goal is to lose unwanted body fat, run a marathon or simply stay active for life, PHASE IV programs are tailored to make every effort 100% productive towards achieving your goals!