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Honed over the last thirty five years in the results driven world of elite athletics, and every day with clients just like you, we know that the essential foundation of exercise is the FORSTER STRUCTURE PROGRAM© Strength and Flexibility Training. The vital component of fitness is healthy resilient joints and muscles, with increasing flexibility and strength to adapt to life, sport, and aging.
Flexibility: During exercise our muscles shorten; therefore, the connective tissue must be stretched to maintain full range of motion and good posture. As we age, connective tissue naturally tightens and begins to lead to functional limitations. These limitations lead to altered mechanics of the joint and eventually joint wearing (Arthritis). It is the one aspect of aging we can reverse. Discover the safest and most effective stretching techniques to help you perform better, prevent injury, improve your range of motion, and aid in your recovery from exercise.
In this video you will learn:
• The safest and most effective stretches for each part of your body
• How to incorporate a safe and effective stretching routine into your active lifestyle
• The importance of stretching in developing healthy joints and muscles for life
• How stretching aids in the recovery process and helps to prevent injury
• The performance benefits of a proper stretching routine in sport and training
• How stretching improves your range of motion, improving athletic performance
Strength: The next training goal is to increase the force generated by the large muscles known as the prime movers of the body. Increasing these muscles’ ability to produce force with each contraction is defined as strength. This is best achieved in the weight room with a carefully orchestrated program of progressive resistance exercises to strengthen the bigger muscle groups with a routine that favors developing strength and not size. Increasing size will negatively impact your power to body weight ratio. The prescription strengthening exercises in this video are Forster’s prescription exercises essential to periodized strength training. This is not bodybuilding or the routines you will see on television created by personal trainers. This is a science-based program of carefully chosen exercises to incorporate into strength training for your sport!