The Clara Rusberg Story

NEVER EVER GIVE UP💪✊️🇩🇰🇺🇸❤️ thank you so much to Robert Forster and his world class teams for helping Clara 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸 and thank you 🙏🏻 to my fantastic team for helping Clara for the past 9 months Tina pill torabi. Majbrit and Sofie 🙏🏻💪✊️⭐️🇩🇰🇺🇸❤️ Rachel Jujuba Suson, DPT, Brian Ponsness, PTA, Ron Berry, PT Image: Clara with Forster Physical Therapy CEO Robert Forster, PT author of The Complete Waterpower Workbook Book
We were very happy to help Clara and her loving family who came to Forster Physical Therapy from Denmark for a month to progress Clara’s rehabilitation. All of our staff contributed to create progressive land and water based training/rehabilitation programs. It was an honor to be part of an international rehab team with Hassan and Tina Tarobi from Denmark and Rachel Suson, DPT, Ron Berry, PT, and Brian Ponsness, PTA from FPT who helped our inspiring, and always smiling Clara regain functional strength and mobility.Clara with Rachel Suson, DPT
Call Forster Physical Therapy to schedule your appointment TODAY.