Stretching is the most effective self-recovery technique you can do to make a very significant contribution to the adaptive process you seek in training: increased fitness.
Because your physiology adapts to training, a disciplined active recovery program is essential. “No one ever became stronger during a workout, it is in the recovery period when we become fitter,” CEO Robert Forster PT.
Following periods of hard work, fatigue and an initial decrease in performance occur before the body becomes stronger or more efficient. However, this occurs only if time for recovery is provided. Focusing on the recovery of the structural systems is critical. In all athletes, limitations of the structural system (tendons, bone, fascia) to withstand the rigors of the training load necessary to peak the metabolic systems (energy production) is often their demise.
Stretching sessions before and particularly after light recovery workouts are more productive when unencumbered by the tightness that would otherwise occur following hard workouts. In this way your stretching efforts go further toward elongating connective tissue and helping tendons and ligaments heal and grow stronger. A good indication of when your structural system is recovered and ready for another hard workout is when the stiffness from the last hard workout is absent.
Stretching before and after every workout is critical to joint stability and structural integrity. Stretching prepares the body for exercise and minimizes the damage created during workouts. Stretching after workouts wrings the waste products out of the muscles and returns muscles to their normal resting length therefore avoiding maladaptive muscle and tendon shortening. The metabolic system can be overtaxed and weakened not strengthened with inappropriate balance of stress and recovery.
Over the last thirty five years in the results driven world of elite athletics, and every day with clients just like you, we know that the essential foundation of the Forster prescription for exercise is the Forster Structure Program©: the key component of healthy resilient joints and muscles. Discover the safest and most effective stretching techniques to help you perform better, prevent injury, improve your range of motion, and aid in your recovery from exercise.
FORSTER STRUCTURE Foam Rolling Program
As one of the country’s most respected sports medicine practitioners, Robert Forster, PT says, “All training is futile if time for recovery was missed.” Foam rolling is an essential practice; so much so, that he created a foam rolling routine that will target all the major muscle groups. More than just recovery, foam rolling can give you myo-facial release, joint mobilization, and even improve your alignment and posture! A foam roller works by using your own body weight to give you many of the same benefits of sports massage, including the ability to restore sore, kinked-up, tight post-workout muscles, tendons, and fascia to their normal tone. Foam rolling speeds muscle recovery by increasing blood flow, circulation, and range of motion, making you resistant to injuries caused by adhesions and scar tissue that limit range of motion.
Using your own self massage tools is like having a physical therapist in your home. A healthy athlete must learn to adapt to the stress of activities which cause inflammation, scarring and matting down muscle fibers. Without proper massage techniques, you will experience overuse injuries. These injuries caused by areas on the body that bind up, so focus on the recovery of the structural systems is critical. With self massage tools, you can break down adhesions and milk the waste products out of your muscles. In endurance athlete’s, limitations of the structural system (tendons, bone, fascia) must withstand the rigors of the training load necessary to peak the metabolic systems (energy production.) Additionally, the metabolic system can be overtaxed and weakened, not strengthened, with an imbalance of stress and recovery time. PHASE IV has brings you the best self massage and recovery tools in the marketplace!
Compression Clothing
The recovery science behind compression gear is significant!
- Post-exercise lactate removal was significantly faster with compression stockings.
- Compression stockings improved all markers of recovery except for creatine kinase (a marker of muscle cell damage).
- The EC30 stockings produced the lowest levels of fatigue.
- Blood lactate levels after the test were lower with compression stockings. For the second experiment (3-minute max efforts) post-exercise lactate was lower only when compression stockings were worn during recovery.
- Recreationally active men experienced a reduction in delayed-onset muscle soreness 24 hours after wearing compression stockings (18-22 mmHg) compared with traditional sports socks.
- Wearing a full-body compression garment for 24 hours after a challenging, heavy-resistance strength workout enhanced psychological, physiological and performance markers of recovery when compared with non-compressive garments.
Icing Products
The safest choice for treatment of injuries and soreness is ice. Ice decreases pain and provides vasoconstriction (closing of small blood vessels). This helps limit the amount of swelling that occurs immediately after the stress of exercise or injury. Ice has a calming effect on nerves, which can decrease pain. Our ice bags are designed to be placed on sore areas for 15 minutes with compression; and to enhance results for treatment of swelling, elevate the area being iced. You can repeat this procedure once the skin has recovered and is warm to the touch.
PHASE IV FUEL© Recovery Nutrition
The most common problem in all athletes is an improper hydration and nutrition schedule. Often overlooked and misunderstood what you provide for muscle energy is vital to your success as an athlete. PHASE IV will teach you how to tailor your nutrition and hydration to the essential recovery cycle. What we do will increase the fitness value of all your workouts. What you put in your tank before, during and after workouts greatly impacts the fitness goal. Recovery nutrition is built in to all Periodization training models because it’s needed whether you feel hungry thirsty or not. After your workout, your body is in a state of stress and needs nourishment. Usually after exercise your body will be dehydrated, your blood insulin levels will be low, Cortisol and other “breakdown” hormones will be high, your glycogen (fuel stores) will be low or depleted, and your muscles will be in a state of breakdown. Your recovery nutrition should reverse all of the above and restore your to a hydrated fueled, recovered and muscle building state. Learn what science teaches about the guidelines for an effective recovery drink. Whether you want to lose weight, put on muscle, or simply perform at the best your genetics will allow, your nutrition must support your workouts, competitions, and your lifestyle! We use real science, not gimmicks or fads to address your personal physiology and nutritional needs. The time to figure out the best mix of calories and fluids for your personal physiology is now!