Originally Published: on Aug. 28, 2018 | PMC | By Joel Enoch Mark A. Ware, MBBS, MSc,*Dennis Jensen, PhD,†‡§Amy Barrette, MSc,¶Alan Vernec, MD, Dip Sport Med,‖ and Wayne Derman, MBChB, [Read More]
metabolic health
Should Your Cocktail Carry a Cancer Warning?
Originally Published: on Mar. 4, 2021 | The New York Times | By Anahad O’ConnorWhen the pandemic struck last year, many Americans rushed to stock up on alcohol, causing retail sales of wine, beer and [Read More]
The Best Time of Day to Exercise
Originally Published: on Jan. 17, 2021 | The New York Times | By Gretchen ReynoldsIs it better for our bodies to work out at certain times of day?A useful new study of exercise timing and [Read More]
Exercise and Diet for COVid Virus Protection.
The US Surgeon General has said that we should all maintain or create an exercise program to not only help fight Corona virus infection, but also to fight mental health issues that come from [Read More]