DNA and Food
CEO Robert Forster, PT
By continually following the latest science PHASE IV has been on the cutting edge of performance and weight loss nutrition plans for over 15 years. Our programs are individualized to your personal physiology, designed to improve fat utilization, and create metabolic efficiency.
We are now in another nutrition renaissance with the progression of our understanding of epigentics. This is the science that looks at how our life choices switch genes on and off. For the first time we now understand that regardless of the health risk factors you inherit from your parents, you have a say whether or not they will be put into action. This quote puts this exciting reality into perspective.
“The foods we consume actually interact with our DNA, changing the expression of our genes moment to moment, for the better or worse. In this sense, food is information, and the instructions our food sources provide to our DNA regulating processes like inflammation, detoxification, and the production of anti-oxidants, all of which are pivotal for the health or decay.”
David Perlmutter, MD Board Certified Neurologist and fellow, American College of Nutrition
This week we continue to introduce Tina Paymaster, our new Nutrition Specialist and Lifestyle Coach; with additional opportunities for a complementary consultation, and her informative article about transformational eating habits below. Last week Tina met with over 20 perspective clients and now you can have your time with her too.
Call 310-582-8212 to schedule your complementary Nutrition Consultation with Tina.