Honed over the last thirty five years in the results driven world of elite athletics, and every day with clients just like you, we know that the essential foundation of exercise is the FORSTER STRUCTURE PROGRAM© Strength and Flexibility Training. The vital component of fitness is healthy resilient joints and muscles, with increasing flexibility and strength to adapt to life, sport, and aging.
Flexibility: During exercise our muscles shorten; therefore, the connective tissue must be stretched to maintain full range of motion and good posture. As we age, connective tissue naturally tightens and begins to lead to functional limitations. These limitations lead to altered mechanics of the joint and eventually joint wearing (Arthritis). It is the one aspect of aging we can reverse. Discover the safest and most effective stretching techniques to help you perform better, prevent injury, improve your range of motion, and aid in your recovery from exercise.
In this video you will learn:
• The safest and most effective stretches for each part of your body
• How to incorporate a safe and effective stretching routine into your active lifestyle
• The importance of stretching in developing healthy joints and muscles for life
• How stretching aids in the recovery process and helps to prevent injury
• The performance benefits of a proper stretching routine in sport and training
• How stretching improves your range of motion, improving athletic performance

Working against water’s natural resistance makes for a healthier more balanced workout than is possible on land- with virtually no risk of damage to the body. For both exercise programs as well as rehabilitation, pool workouts build aerobic and anaerobic fitness, muscle strength and tone, flexibility, good body alignment and agility. The Waterpower© Performance Program can be conducted either in our private facility, your home or other location. Endurance athletes, in particular, need extended aerobic training but run the risk of losing the “snap” in their legs. The quick muscle contractions needed to power over a hill or catch a competitor who pulls ahead is lost with all the over-distance training. Power is the missing ingredient in the typical endurance athlete’s training program, yet can be accomplished safely and efficiently in the water. Plyometric workouts for power training involve a quick stretch of a muscle immediately preceding a muscular contraction. In this way the contraction is further enhanced over that which can be achieved when starting the jump in a crouched position. Bounding and box jumps typically done on land are dangerous and often lead to injury in athletes because the landing is so violent. In water the explosive jumping is met with more resistance and therefore stimulates an even greater muscle contraction while the water cushions the joints on landing.

PHASE IV offers the most comprehensive science based training and nutrition programs available anywhere! We can make athletes better, and keep them healthy and competing longer. If you are interested in improving your performance, and preventing injury, we will design a periodized training plan for you, complete with nutritional optimization, as well as strength and flexibility training. Our programs have been honed over 35 years in the results driven world of elite athletics, and with thousands of athletes who have chosen our science based approach to achieving complex performance goals.