10 Pack Training Sessions with a Physical Therapist including Manual Therapy


At PHASE IV, these training experiences are supportive, effective and safe. You will be trained by a licensed Physical Therapist with decades of experience who will apply manual therapy skills as needed to progress your workouts. The data collected from your Structural Examination and other assessments is utilized to customize your strength and conditioning program. In these hour long sessions, you will be instructed in core strength, posture exercises, Periodization weight training, stretching, and plyometric exercises.


At PHASE IV, these training experiences are supportive, effective and safe. You will be trained by a licensed Physical Therapist with decades of experience who will apply manual therapy skills as needed to progress your workouts. The data collected from your Structural Examination and other assessments is utilized to customize your strength and conditioning program. In these hour long sessions, you will be instructed in core strength, posture exercises, Periodization weight training, stretching, and plyometric exercises.