Pelacore Class Special
Get 1 FREE Pelacore class with 10 Pack
10 Pack Pelacore Class: $250 (Free single session valued at $30)
Pelacore is a pelvic core strengthening and fitness program that combines the science of phyiscal therapy with core techniques from Pilates, yoga and barre, making it both effective and enjoyable.
Pelacore is a great workout for everyone of any age who wants to end lower back pain, build strength, increase endurance, eliminate incontinence, and address other problems caused by weak pelvic core.
It is especially beneficial for athletes, women during pregnancy and post-pregnancy, women who are post-menopausal, as well as anyone who has had pelvic or back surgery.
The Exercise Physiologist will guide you through each class that will help you achieve optimal results for pelvic strengthening.