PEAKRIGHT© Comprehensive Periodization Strength Training
Periodization strength training breaks the training program into cycles (or periods) where fitness is developed in a scientifically rational sequence. After about six-to-eight weeks of the same activity the body becomes stronger and can handle the load without experiencing stress; performance will then fade if the exercise stimulus is not altered in such a way as to create new stress on the body, and peak hormone production again. Your PHASE IV team is using state-of-the-science training methods to set up your plan of Periodized Strength Training. Matching the requirements of your sport, you will be educated in proper strength development, stretching, warm up, cool down, and aggressive recovery techniques. The basic tenant of Periodization is that all exercise is futile, if rest and recovery periods are not provided. You will gain the knowledge of when to workout, and when to rest and recover to excel in your sport. In short, you will learn to utilize science to improve your strength and performance, while avoiding injury, and preserving your body. This carefully orchestrated program of progressive resistance exercises to strengthen the bigger muscle groups with and a routine that favors developing strength and not size, will positively impact your power to body weight ratio. This is a comprehensive science based strength training program of carefully chosen exercises that relate to building strength for running, impacting your performance, and achieving your running goals!