1. There’s a New Way to Treat ‘Traveler’s Diarrhea’
The FDA recently approved an antibacterial drug called Aemcolo (rifamycin) to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms caused by noninvasive Escherichia coli (E. coli) that do not involve bloody stools or fever.(HEALTH LINE.COM)
2. Experts Find Drug Contaminants in Groundwater: What You Need to Know
In what is described as the first large-scale study of the occurrence of hormones and pharmaceuticals in untreated groundwater aquifers, USGS researchers analyzed samples for 21 different hormones and 103 pharmaceuticals at 1,091 sites around the United States.(HEALTH LINE)
3. Why would anyone cut heroin with fentanyl? It’s cheap, these researchers say
Drug overdose deaths are skyrocketing — up 10 percent in 2017 alone — and close to half the deaths are caused by synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.(NBC NEWS)
4. Driven by suicides and drug overdoses, U.S. life expectancy continues to fall
During 2017, drug overdoses claimed the lives of 70,237 Americans. The rate of drug-overdose deaths that year (21.7 per 100,000 people) was almost 10 percent higher than the rate in 2016 (19.8 per 100,000).(MINN.COM)