Originally Published: on Apr. 10, 2021 | By KRISTEN KENDRICKMaria Fabrizio for NPR These days, it's easy to feel vulnerable when it comes to your health. I talk about that a lot with my patients, many [Read More]
Too Much High-Intensity Exercise May Be Bad for Your Health
Originally Published: on Mar. 24, 2021 | The New York Times | By Gretchen ReynoldsA new study hints that excessive HIIT may harm your mitochondria, the energy generators found in every cell of your [Read More]
Is Your Workout Age-Appropriate?
Originally Published: on Feb. 23, 2021 | WSJ Magazine | By Lauren MechlingComing on the one-year anniversary of life inside a bell jar, I squinted into my laptop and watched a woman undulate and flick [Read More]
How Much Exercise Do You Need for Better Heart Health?
Originally Published: on Feb. 17, 2021 | New York Times | By Gretchen ReynoldsThe more you do, the better, but even mild exercise like walking produces benefits for cardiovascular health, a large new [Read More]
The Best Time of Day to Exercise
Originally Published: on Jan. 17, 2021 | The New York Times | By Gretchen ReynoldsIs it better for our bodies to work out at certain times of day?A useful new study of exercise timing and [Read More]
Weight Training May Help Ease Anxiety
Originally Published: on Nov. 10, 2020 | The New York Times | By Gretchen ReynoldsRoiled by concerns about the pandemic and politics? Lifting weights might help, according to a timely new [Read More]
The Benefits of Moderate Exercise
Originally Published: on Jan. 21, 2021 | The New York Times | By Gretchen ReynoldsThe best exercise for many of us may not be the briefest, according to a provocative new study comparing the [Read More]
Exercise and Diet for COVid Virus Protection.
The US Surgeon General has said that we should all maintain or create an exercise program to not only help fight Corona virus infection, but also to fight mental health issues that come from [Read More]