8 Weeks Until Race Day: Time for a Reality Check
With several long runs under your belt and just 8 weeks until race day, it is time to take an honest look at your readiness. Working with marathoners for over 35 years, we have learned that solving problems that come up during the long runs leading up to the race is the key to success. Whether it is your first marathon or your 21st, the long runs are the best proving ground for your readiness. The Phase IV Four Pillars of Performance cover all your bases, and make for a good place to take inventory of your marathon preparation. See Road Runners special opportunities to get ready to race.Musculoskeletal Resiliency – Injury Prevention
Have you been suffering pain? Is there a nagging injury slowing you down? A new pain every few weeks? Do not let pain ruin your race! Injury management is an inherent component of marathon training. This pillar speaks to your body’s ability to withstand the physical stress of covering 26.2 miles on race day. If you have been fighting injury and nursing sore joints through your long runs, it is time to admit you need help. You still have time to solve these problems before race day, if you act now. A Phase IV Run Gait Analysis will expose the weaknesses in your running technique that cause injuries and correct them with simple cues, drills, and perhaps a shoe change to stop the pain. There is also still time to use the PHASE IV Runner’s Dozen series of “at home” exercises to strengthen the key muscles that will improve your running gait to stop the pain and protect you against future injury.
Each week we evaluate 20+ injured marathoners. Most of these injured can be resolved with better running mechanics. If you want to feel better and perform better, a PHASE IV Run Gait Analysis will make a huge impact on race day enjoyment. Correcting your running technique is easier than you think.
Few people would take up tennis or golf without first taking some lessons with a pro. Most runners, however, mistakenly think that because running is a basic human function, and since we all did it as children, we do not need to be taught how to run.
While it’s true that the human body has evolved to be an efficient running machine able to cover long distances with an well honed economy of motion, our civilized life style has robbed us of the built in efficiencies that evolution has provided. Our muscles have shortened and weakened, our joints have tightened and movements have become corrupted by hours of sitting and a lack of stretching. To exploit the gifts that evolution has gifted us, we need to learn to run in a way that benefits energy conservation and keeps us protected from injury.
The PHASE IV Run Gait Analysis is performed by Physical Therapists with expertise in joint function, human movement patterns, and the myriad of ways that runners get hurt. We will video your stride frequency, knee rise, foot and leg position at foot strike, and upper body carriage to identify biomechanical deficiencies and inefficiencies and correct them.
We will assess whether your shoes are appropriate for your mechanics and provide you with drills to maximize your efficiency and increase your speed.
PHASE IV Injury Prevention Program

PEAKRIGHT© Run Training for Conditioning and Injury Prevention
The PHASE IV Running Package draws on 35 years of experience helping athletes achieve injury free peak performance and aerobic conditioning. The PHASE IV Running Package is the most complete science based training program available anywhere. This program uses scientific analysis to unlock the intricacies of personal physiology, and replaces the guesswork that characterizes most generic coaching programs. We will first analyze the aspects of healthy running: current fitness, strength and weaknesses including flexibility, joint stability, and alignment, running mechanics, nutrition and recovery strategies. From this data your team of exercise physiologists and physical therapists will construct and guide you through a comprehensive running program for your athletes tailored to their personal physiology and genetic make up.Metabolic Efficiency – Fitness for the Marathon
The reason so many marathoners “hit the wall” around mile 18-20 and have to reduce their pace or quit, is because their muscles run out of carbohydrates and stop working. Metabolic efficiency defines how well you are burning fat for fuel. The more fat you burn, the more you will spare the limited carbohydrates stored in your body, so they last until the end of the race. A simple analysis will determine how well you have trained yourself to be a “Better Butter Burner”, and at what heart rate you need to train and race to have great day come February 14th.PHASE IV VO2 Metabolic Analysis with Personalized Heart Rate Training Prescription

At PHASE IV our team of experts assess and train athletes in two broad areas of athletic performance: structural preparedness and metabolic energy production. The ability to produce energy efficiently to meet the demands of your sport is paramount for success. At PHASE IV we utilize scientific data culled from physiological assessments including RMR and VO2 testing. From these results we create a customized measurable Periodization Heart Rate Training Plan, and it has consistently produced the best athletic performances across all sports for the past thirty-five years!
Hydration and Nutrition – Fuel for Success
Cramping and “bonking” are the two top reasons for race failure in the marathon. These are the most preventable causes of failure too. Science once again provides a simple solution for these highly preventable problems. Consult with Phase IV Exercise Physiologists and Nutritionists to find the right diet and hydration schedule for success. You can even shed a few pounds before race day!</P.PHASE IV FUEL© Performance Nutrition and Hydration

At PHASE IV, we identify nutrition & hydration issues you may have in preparation for your next race/ride, and for your performance in life and sport!How to achieve your personal weight goals and ideal performance body weight begins with unlocking the mysteries of your personal physiology, and finding your optimum fat burning exercise zones. The perfect balance of training and exercise, recovery, and nutrition, is a science. Science-based heart rate prescriptions are based on your metabolic testing results. Using your testing results, we will design a weight management program for you based specifically on your own uniquely personal physiology, genetics and metabolism.
Your dietary intake will be analyzed for macro and micronutrient content. Deficiencies and excesses in your diet and exercise will be identified. You will receive personalized dietary guidelines specific to your needs based on your activity level, and a PHASE IV registered dietitian will review your progress and make necessary adjustments to your program. We will define what you need to eat and when you need it based on the science of healthy nutrition and your activity level. Learn how to achieve sustainable weight management goals with PHASE IV science!