If you're avoiding gluten, this is a perfect meal to fill you up without filling you out! Sweet potatoes are filled with fiber which is essential for healthy digestion. They are also a rich source of [Read More]
anti-inflammatory diet
Dandy Blend Elixir
While coffee isn’t on the “bad list,” reducing it can certainly have its benefits for some people - specifically those that are stressed out, suffering from adrenal exhaustion, hormone imbalance or [Read More]
Frozen Yogurt Covered Blueberries
Image and adapted recipe from Peanut Butter and Peppers As the weather gets warmer outside, the lines at the local ice cream shops will be getting longer and longer. Why wait for a few scoops when [Read More]
Turmeric Spiced Tuna Salad
Image and recipe from Pickled Plum We get it. Not everyone has time to cook a fresh meal three times a day, seven days a week. Luckily, there are recipes like this Turmeric Spiced Tuna Salad that [Read More]
Image and Recipe: Gourmand in the Kitchen "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates While modern medicine has brought incredible advances in the treatment of disease, with [Read More]
By Tina Paymaster, PHASE IV Nutritionist and Shelby Stoner, PHASE IV Exercise Physiologist While exercise and remaining physically active is a large part of alleviating joint pain, nutrition plays [Read More]